Product News

Aluminum sheet

What are the benefits of Aluminum society?

Lanren celebrates Industry Day by sharing the benefits of the metal that is present in our daily lives and is the symbol of a sustainable future. Industry Day is celebrated on…
Aluminum foil

What Will Bleach Do to Aluminum?

Bleach is among the most common cleaning merchandise, but you can’t use bleach on all things. It’s important to be careful about making use of particular chemical compounds like bleach…
Aluminum Coil

What Are the Contents of Aluminum Coil?

With the increase in the use of the aluminum coil industry and the advantages of aluminum applications gradually beginning to be highlight, we can more and more customers choose suitable…
Aluminium Circles

Production Process of Aluminium Circles and It Uses

Aluminium Circles, also named Aluminum Disc, are mainly used for processing that requires good forming properties and high corrosion resistance. Aluminium circles have good forming and processing properties, corrosion resistance,…
Applications of Aluminum Foil

Several Applications of Aluminum Foil

Aluminum foil with excellent performance is gradually replacing the application of copper foil in various fields, promote the substitution of copper with aluminum strip, will be able to better use of…
Aluminum Strips

Applications of Aluminum Strips

Aluminum strip is an important basic material for the development of the national economy. it’s high aluminum content, it is also referred to as pure aluminum tape in the industry. This…
Aluminum cookware

Aluminum Circle: the Best Material for Cookware

Aluminium Circle also named Aluminum Disc is widely used in electronics, daily chemicals, medicine, culture and education, and auto parts, Electrical appliances, heat preservation, machinery manufacturing, automobiles, aerospace, military, molds, construction,…